June 27, 2016

Age rhyme for kids from 1 to 12

Dear teachers, educators and parents!

If you have set a goal to teach your kids to count, you may look for some rhymes which contain numbers. It would be interesting to find some verses which will help you to kill two birds with one stone – that is, to entertain your children and make them repeat numbers.

Everybody remembers the poem about numbers found in the Nursery rhymes:

One, two, buckle my shoe;
Three, four, knock at the door;
Five, six, pick up sticks;
Seven, eight, lay them straight;
Nine, ten, a big fat hen;
Eleven, twelve, dig and delve;
Thirteen, fourteen, maids are courting;
Fifteen, sixteen, maids in the kitchen;
Seventeen, eighteen, maids are waiting;
Nineteen, twenty, my plate is empty.

That was a classical version. Below you will find a rhyme composed by me. It deals with the age of kids starting from 1 to 12. In a jocular way it will help your youngsters to learn to count.

If you are one,
Your life has begun.

If you are two,
You’ll have a toffee to chew.

If you are three,
You can climb a tree.

If you are four,
Please knock at the door.

If you are five,
It’s a toy truck for you to drive.

If you are six,
You can collect stones and sticks,

If you are seven,
You can jump over the rainbow in heaven.

If you are eight,
You can sit and wait,

If you are nine,
You mustn’t drink wine.

If you are ten,
You can scare a bear in the den,

If you are eleven,
You are older than seven,

If you are twelve, it’s cool.
You have new friends at school.

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